Friday, January 20, 2012

Straight Pool, Round Two

I have two more straight pool matches this weekend.  One tonight and one on Monday night. 

While I roll into the new season with zero wins (and two losses), I am about to play the two players who I came back from a deficit of 30-35 points to beat last season. That's pretty tough to do, imo.  Yet, I somehow did it.

And now I'm going to play those two guys back to back, with already two losses to my record.

I'm nervous they are going to want revenge. 

More nervous about being 0-4 or 1-3 at the start of the season.  :(  Maybe even embarrassed about it.  But, it's not the end of the world, right?  I MUST remember this.

I am determined to play my best, stay down, smooth stroke, take my time.  TAKE MY TIME and enjoy my whole body being STILL as I execute my shot. 

Do I want to win?  Of course.  Do I need to win?  OF COURSE!  lol.  Do I really NEED to win?  Not really, but I would love to. 

Can I ask for a few good rolls, too?  ;) 

I'm also a little apprehensive because one of the two opponents talks a lot and makes snide comments throughout the match.  I hope I remember my ipod on Monday!  He's very annoying.

I need to just not care about the win and simply be thankful I can play pool (thanks Matthew!) and remember (and be excited!) that my knowledge of straight pool really is so much better (thank you Phil Capelle, and Pat Flemming!).

And like my dear friend Mike G. said last weekend, "I get nervous b/c of the expectations that I put on myself to play my best. People always say go out there and just enjoy yourself. It is not an easy thing to do when one expects so much out of one's self.

As for your record over these past seasons, it is way above normal. You can hold your own against many players. Keep that in mind and play your best. It will come out positive."

Thank you, Mike!

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