Monday, May 25, 2015

Play By Play?

I was approached by the ladies who run the OnTheRail stream at the very beginning of the BCAPL Texas state tourney.

They asked if I would like to try something new.

They thought that my "fans" would love to follow me online and see my progress DURING the matches.

First of all, I doubt people want to follow me THAT closely.  Second, I was honored they wanted me to test it, but I was apprehensive.  Third, I really wanted to focus on my matches.

You see, I'd have to use their tablet or my phone and take score after each GAME - not each match.  I I thought it would actually be distracting for myself AND my opponent if I was to take score on an electronic device after every single game.

And I also thinks that's a little bit pressure to know my scores are online in real time.  She would have wanted me to advertise I was testing it, and I don't need any extra added pressure, lol.

I told her I was flattered she asked me, but since I was the defending champion, I just didn't want to do it during my first match, esp since I knew who we were to be playing in the first round of scotch doubles.

After we won, I again didn't want do do it because it was a tough team and friends.  I just imagined all these things in my head : distraction, upsetting my opponents, me not concentrating on my game, etc.

I went back and told them I didn't feel comfy.  She said, "maybe singles?"

Well, I was defending champion for that event, too, lol, and I really didn't want any distractions or interference.

I think if everyone does this, it would be okay, but having just a few people test it without it being well advertised would just be bothersome to myself and my opponents.  I know I would care more about how my opponent felt about me taking score on an electronic device and if I was bothering them, instead of focusing on my game.

And I had SEVERAL hill-hill, close, emotional matches and as I reflect back, it definitely would have not been good.

The website is called if you want to check it out.  Maybe this will be something in the future for all pool players?

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