I went to my second straight pool match of the week last night (I have my 3rd match of the week on Wed) and as I walked into the pool room, I realized I had my mind on results, not the process. I changed that thought pattern though after I texted my friend Rebecca. Whew.
My opponent (I will call him, Karaoke) showed up late, but I didn't mind. I joked with him, "I was hoping you wouldn't stand me up for our first date." He looked at me funny and asked, "How many dates have you had this season?" (referring to how many matches have I completed so far in our straight pool league). "Five or Six," I reply shyly (I'm behind in my matches).
I *thought* my opponent had good winning stats, but didn't check for sure before the match. I don't like to psych myself out before I play - don't want to think I have this or it's gonna be tough before I even play.
Karaoke ordered a shot and a beer right away. I thought to myself, "I guess he normally does that?" During the first few innings, I admit I am texting a few friends and so I feel "a little" bad, but not entirely because it's not a rule in this league, but it is a tad bit rude.
He got 5 in the first inning and in the third inning I get 8. Hey! Look at me! lol.
Then in inning 6 something wild happened - I ran 27! I couldn't believe it! Wow! I fully admit I got comfortable in this position - being ahead 35 to 6. :) During the run, I played well and took my time - it felt good to play well because on Sunday I did not play that way in my other straight pool match.
My comfortableness was short lived though as he then had 4, 5, 10, and 13 ball runs. All of a sudden our score was now close - 40 to 43 in the 13th inning! WTH happened? Oh, the frustration begins....
I hear Karaoke tell someone he has only lost one match so far this season, as he orders another shot. I didn't want to hear that. Even though I have only lost one match, also, it's still something you don't want in your chatterbox (mind).

However, I did whack at two shots later in the match while I jumped up, but not due to nervousness, due to simply not staying down well. :(
Karaoke ended up doing a couple more shots of Jagermeister and even a few times toward the end of the match he said the Jager was affecting his score keeping. Nice. Not only am getting beat by the guy, but he's super tipsy and beating me! Frustrations.... Nothing like getting beat when you are sober and your opponent is not, AND you have to keep your own score at times because he isn't paying attention anymore, lol. I fully admit I don't "get" those players that can play and drink - I swear he shot better toward the end of the match than the beginning (yet if I drink and play I fumble around and have no coordination whatsoever, lol).
I ended up trying to come from behind, 51-58, 55-68, 61-76, 71-94 to no avail, though. :( I lost 100-71. Even a great run of 27 at the very beginning ensures NOTHING in Straight Pool. This game is so darn frustrating! LOL.
Several of our league members would come up and check out our score during the match. Why do they do that exactly? To see how they will stand in the rankings? To see if the "chick" is beating the high-ranked guy? To see how I am doing because they care? Or are they just being nosey? LOL. I don't know - all I do know is because of the way it makes ME feel, I do not check others scores during their matches. And to the guy that reads my blog, I don't mind if you come up to check my score (you don't bother me).
I figured out my weaknesses of last night's match, though, as I reflected this morning. A few times I got stuck in the rack (ugh) after an on-the-rail break shot. :( But, because of that weakness, it led to me having to play a safe.
That leads to weakness #2: Failed safes.
Ugh; I got so frustrated after my safeties! I would walk away from the table and see that I did

The safeties really hurt me because they were not jam-up safeties. Yea, a few times he didn't have a shot, but many other times there would be a shot for him. :( Only one time I thought I might leave him a shot if I shot a safety a certain way, but all the other safeties I tried desperately not to leave him anything... but inevitably, there would be just enough of a window of a ball that he would (frustratingly, lol) make.
Hey girly! Just fyi if you didn't know, you can wear your headphones during the match as I think I know who you played and he can....well tend to talk.... Before I leave I really really want to play you straight pool, just for fun or drinks or who has to dress up in a chicken outfit or whatever.... Anyways GRATS on your run! That's awesome, moving on up, keep going babe!
Aww yay that I got mentioned!!!
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