Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Mind of a Gambler

Last night during league, this guy walks up to one of my teammates and asks, "Is this a tournament?"

My teammate responds with, "No, this is league.  We'll be done in about 30 minutes."

I immediately say under my breathe, "You're suppose to ask if he wants to gamble.  Uh,hello."

Funny how I see things differently now after spending time with someone who gambles and gets games lol.

Here's the deal:

If a guy is asking if it's a tourney or league, then he doesn't really know what is going on and prolly LOVES the game and would maybe want to shoot a little bit for $20 or maybe even $50.  Who knows if you don't ask!

Perfect opportunity lost. 

And why didn't I ask the guy to play some?  Because I'm shy and an introvert with people I don't know.  But if I was a hungry for a game to gamble, I would have asked and stepped out of my shell.

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