Monday, November 17, 2008

Mid Nov Update

I took a few weeks off from playing pool - I had won that tournament in Temple, Texas (I'm still excited and shocked!) and went out of town for work for a week and then just relaxed and ate good food (LOL) for the next two weeks. I did go to league once or twice I think, but didn't hit balls once/per/week for 1-3 hours like I normally do for my routine practice sessions. I did get a lot done around the house, on websites, and ran a lot of errands, but otherwise I just relaxed and took a nice chill break. Not like me, but I didn't have a tournament for 5 weeks after my last tournament, so I guess I slacked off! But, I finally got my butt out of the house and practiced 10-ball for 3 hours on Veterans Day (a day off of work for me). I practiced okay (surprisingly) but I also gambled at one pocket (yay!) for about 2 hours before I had to run to league that evening.

I had talked to a really good, local, road player about helping me with one-pocket. We discussed the best way for him to teach me was for me to play someone but he coaches me. So a friend of mine, Terry, let him coach me this night while we played for $.50 a game. We adjusted down from the normal weight of 13-5 b/c I was getting coached, but I proceeded to lose the first two games so we stopped 12-6 and went back to 13-5. I won some games and we adjusted again back to 12-6. I had to leave when I was up two games but thoroughly enjoyed myself! My OPC (one-pocket coach) said I did good and Terry was so gracious to let us do that. It truly is a great way to learn one pocket, I agree! I then practiced the next Saturday by myself, working on my pre-shot routine for about two hours playing 10ball and then I played some more one pocket, this time against a guy named Joe who was waiting for his normal Saturday one pocket game (a good friend of mine named Steve). Steve came in during the first game and then I was able to ask him questions about what I should shoot and how (and why). Joe and I played three games 10-6 and I won two out of three games, with the help of Steve. Steve knows a lot about the game and I was honored he helped me! Steve said I played well and tight and I wish I had my OPC's phone number so I could call him and tell him. I am so excited. :)

So, two practice sessions under my belt before I play this weekend, but I am out of town for work again and wont be able to practice this week but I brought a few pool videos to watch at night - one is my FAVORITE!! Buddy Hall and Grady Matthews self-commentating a great Reno Open match.

I don't know how I will do this weekend... still ranked 6th on the tour and would love to end the year ranked 6th but we will see what happens if I keep that rank. The two players below me play well and could pass me up if they place well (and if I don't), in this event.

Until the Next Time.....

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