Katniss from the Project Hunger Games of my blog shared some insight with us:
I have really enjoyed staying in during this pandemic. I have access to a pool table, mainly during the evening time, all to myself!
I have played and practiced by myself.
AND I have taught myself the ghost ball effect!
It literally took me years to finally understand it. And, it's something I would have never taken the time to fully learn and understand the concept of if COVID hadn't happened.
Pre-COVID, I was playing 3 nights a week for league, while combined with playing weekend tournaments. Whew! That was like 4 to 5 nights just competing! I did not have the time nor make the time to really concentrate on the ghost ball effect.
But, I have taken the time to learn new things....in total SILENCE. No music and no interruptions. It’s like I could hear my thought process out loud! It was an awesome discovery.
Now that the world is starting to open up, I get to put my new found tool to work.
I, however, am NOT looking forward to going back to playing so many league nights. But I am looking forward to some competition from other human life other than own.
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