I'm sure you have heard this before where two people see or hear different things even though they both saw/heard the same thing?
Similarity, when people witness one situation (like a car accident), they all kinda reflect differently about what they saw.
Another example is if you go to a doctor's visit with a family member. You each hear something different from the conversation with the doctor. It's really very normal.
And of course this also carries over into pool, too.
Case in point. I remember distinctly playing against a friend a mine from Arkansas during the Champion Stop of the Texas Ladies Tour about 8 years ago or so. I barely got to shoot! I only had a few chances and the biaatch kept running out! I was pretty agitated, lol.
Afterwards, I told her, "Man, you played so good - you barely missed!" And she lamented, "Thank you. I didn't think I played all that great, but appreciate the kind words."
I was kinda stunned - how did she think that when I hardly got to shoot the entire match and she kept running out?
Back then, one of the guys would attend the tournaments and video tape some of our matches (we affectionately called him "Video Mike"). And we happened to have that match recorded. I bought a copy of the video and watched the match when I got home and I was STUNNED.
She didn't run out one game! I had plenty of chances! I just didn't play well and she played better, but she missed a lot too. How in the heck did I think she ran out most of the match?
But, this happens all the time to players, lol!
As a Tournament Director, I not just run a tournament, but I get to watch a lot of the matches because of where the Tournament table is normally located.
And almost once a tournament, some player will come up after they lost and lament in a loud voice to me, "That guy never missed!" And I stand there thinking to myself, "Hmmm, I just watched the match and you both missed quite a lot."
The player will go on, nipping at me about his opponents' handicap, "That guy shouldn't be a 5 - he was ran out every time I missed! That's not a 5. Fives don't play that good!"
But, I simply realize that they witnessed something different than what actually happened. Part of the reason is emotions, as we don't see clearly or think clearly if we are upset. But, the other factor is we all simply don't always see the same things, even if we are involved in the same situation.
So, I didn't usually rush to change someone's handicap based on one player who just got beat, because it's usually not what they really experienced, lol.
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