
Friday, June 16, 2017

Imma Bad Friend

I was recently following several friends' progress via online brackets and also from posts on Facebook while they played in National league events/tournaments in Vegas to see how they were doing.

At one point, a team I was following had lost hill-hill.  I immediately thought to myself, "Ooooh, I hope my friend was the one who lost that hill-hill match for the team!"


Damn, Melinda, you're a rude bitch!


Well, let me explain why I said that "mean" thing!

I know from my own experience that the costly, unforgettable, heartbreaking losses are the ones that propel us into the amazing player we are to become.

The heartbreaking misses prepare us to handle tough, pressure situations in the future.  It's such a natural and almost expected process to dog it (lol) and then learn from it, that I had hoped she was the one who lost for the team so she would be that much further in her game for her future competitions.

Let me tell you that as I type this I can think of the 6 most heartbreaking shots of my life.  And all those shots have helped me see my error, and helped me be the champion typing these words out for you today.

--  BCAPL Texas State tournament, 2010, missed a straight in 8-ball for my team ;(
--  Reno Championships 2012.  Missed a ball before the 10-ball because I rushed my shot (thinking ahead) and lost.  Placed 4th :(
--  OB Cues Season Finale, 2013, 2nd set of the Finals:  dogged my brains out.
--  BCAPL Texas State tournament, 2013, missed a long, straight-in shot and lost, even tho I was the favorite to win.
--  Jamaica Joe's women's event, 2014, missed the 8 ball because I didn't stay down (was distracted) and lost important match to last until Sunday.

You may be thinking, stop reminiscing about those bad shots!  Hey, I LIKE thinking about them!  I WANT to think about them!  Why?  Because I learned so much from them.  They remind me to stay down, stroke more, stay present, be confident, breathe, have fun, and stay down.  (yes, I said that twice, lol).

These are GOOD memories of bad situations that help me remember what I need to do to WIN.

Not bad memories at all, actually. :)

So see, I'm not a bad friend thinking I hoped she lost it all for the team!  lol.  I have my reasons; for her pool journey!  :)

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