
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Quote: There's No Courage Without Fear

If you're deep into leadership like I am, you see and hear things in your daily routine that reminds you of things to help you personally, and of course that leads directly into pool and competing.

Since mental toughness is high on my list, I loved when I heard the other day this quote from the movie, Edge of Tomorrow:

"There's no courage without fear."

And just ignore that this quote is spoken by Bill Paxton right before a lot of the future-soldiers are about to die from a future spaceship landing onto a beach infested with aliens.  Okay - don't think about that part!

Seriously, anytime any of my friends get nervous or have anxiety, I remind them that those feelings just mean they care.

Let me say this another way - when your heart is racing, you are getting nervous, or you have anxiety, it means you care about something.  And, that's not a bad thing.  Right?

There's no courage without fear.

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