
Friday, July 25, 2014

Not Looking at the Crowd Surprise

I have written before not to look at the crowd during matches.  This really helps me stay focused entirely on my match.  It also helps me from being distracted from anyone in the crowd.  Nothing worse than seeing someone you don't like watching, or you notice someone who gives you bad vibes (we all have that person(s)).

I have "trained" myself so well with this tip, that something kinda crazy happened in one of matches in Vegas for BCAPL last weekend.

I was in the middle of a really tough match.  I noticed a guy sat down to watch.  Then a couple came to watch.  I thought , "dang, my opponent has a lot of support!" 

I got up 3-1 and prolly played my best pool of all week in this match. But a bad leave on an 8-ball cost me the 4-1 win. 

Next thing you know, I'm fighting for my life.... it goes hill-hill!

And even MORE people have come to watch her play!

At this point, I have run out of water.  I had two small short containers of water, but I ran out.  And I'm the type of player that needs to stay hydrated in my matches.   And being hill-hill,  I REALLY didn't want to not have my water.  Water also gives me energy and wakes me up, which I have written about before.

My opponent played really well and we were in a long safety game.

I REALLY didn't want to leave while she was at the table, but I needed my water!

I finally walked away quickly while she was at the table, all the while I'm looking back to watch her so I could wave I was down the long aisle getting water from the free water cooler.

I walked very briskly back and apologized for leaving. "Sorry, I had no one to ask to get me water."   Feeling kinda silly saying pretty much I have no friends, lmao.  Just kidding, I have a few ;)

She was super kind and said no problem and then I immediately took my turn to shoot another safety.

Long story short,  I managed to win hill-hill!   


As I am putting my cues up, the first guy that came to sit down to watch her play says, "Great win, Melinda."

I finally look up, and look AT him for the first time (because I don't look at the crowd).  Oh my goodness, he was MY friend!  Not hers!  LOL.  The whole time I did have a friend, cheerleader, supporter, but didn't even realize it, lol.

He even tells me, "I could tell you needed water but could also tell that you were really focused and I didn't want to ruin that."

I laughed as I told him, "yeah,  I don't look at the crowd when I'm playing. "  He laughed some more and said "I noticed so didn't want to disrupt your focus."

Which I REALLY appreciated.

He was from Kansas and flying out that afternoon.  He was only in town for work and stopped by to see some friends play.  He scudded quickly off to watch another friend as I went to my next match.

Funny - I had no idea til that match just how dedicate I am to not looking around!

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