
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Another League Playoffs Win!

As I got ready to head to the finals of my league playoffs, it crossed my mind that the last league playoffs I have played in, my team won!

And I'm not talking about the SAME leagues, either.  Three separate leagues I have been on in the last year, each team I was on WON the league playoffs!

Do they know how to pick players or what?  ;)

Just kidding!

So, I had a big head going into the finals.  I figured we were just going to easily win, lol.

This is my Double Foul 9-ball league on Mondays.  The league where out of the 5 players in the line up, two (2) of the five (5) HAVE to be females.

Lucky me, huh?!  :)

We went undefeated on Saturday, winning all of our matches, that led to this 7pm Finals match on a Monday night.

The other team played really well the first set, and we did not.  They defeated us 6-13.  Ouch!

We never let up, though, and were ready for the second set.

A few misses here and there led to us being tied 5-5.  That was GREAT, since we were down until that point.

Then the unimaginable happened... we won EIGHT in a row to win 13-5!!!

We played good, they faltered a tad and the rolls shifted our way this match.  But good play and heart led us to the win!!!

This is my first time on the team and boy am I glad my friend Tami asked me one night to sub for her and I said yes.  I really like this league!

And now, league champs!


 2nd place team, Charlie Browns

First Place Team, Red's #3

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