
Friday, December 20, 2013

Team League Shirt

For some reason, and I honestly do not know why, one night on my women's team league night, one of the player's says, "Wear your shirt next week," to all the teammates.

I didn't really hear her or understand why she said that.  Maybe because after ACS State in October, since we didn't get a team pic that's why we were to wear it?

So, I wore it and sure enough we took a team pic with everyone in their cool blue team shirts!

However, over the next few weeks on Thursday night, my teammates kept wearing their blue team shirts.

Well, except me.

On this league, matching team shirts are not required on the nights we play league, and the last 3 years on the team, we never wore our shirts during the week, only at State and Nationals.

Of course every Thursday someone always says something, "Where is your shirt?"

Or the next week I would show up in my work clothes (black slacks and a nice top) and would say, "Damn I forgot again!" after I see my teammates walk in with their blue team shirts on.

I seriously would forget because I wasn't used to it!

We had our league Christmas party last Tuesday.  We all met for dinner and then exchanged our secret Santa gifts. 

Everyone was all dressed up nicely and some had Christmas themes going or super dressy.

I was THIS close to wearing the blue team shirt THAT night!

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