
Monday, August 26, 2013

Why Share That?

I really, truly don't understand when people share shitty things about their teammates or partners.

Here's a perfect example.

In Vegas, I ran into a male pool player from the Dallas area. He had played Scotch Doubles with a female player from the same area. She was very excited about their partnership, she would tell me the day Scotch started.  She was excited about the possibility of them doing well together in the division.

The male partner asks me how Brian and I did in Scotch Doubles and I tell him we placed "just in the money, so we got about $100." 

"How did you two do?"  I ask politely in return.

"Well, we didn't even place half the field. We were down 1-3 at one point and then we tied it hill-hill."

"Oh yeah?!"  I exclaim.

"Yeah, and I left her straight in on the 8ball and she missed it. She dogged it so badly."

I replied, "oh, hmmm, well, that sucks," as I don't know what else to say to that.

He added he was shocked and disappointed and that she played bad.

As I walk away, I'm just disturbed.  Why even explain she missed a straight in ball?  Why say she dogged it?   Why tell me that at all?  Why not just say, "we placed about half of the field."

Not, "My partner dogged it for us."

I just don't get it.

If the guy was a close friend, maybe you could say he was "confiding" in me, but because he's only a pool acquaintance, I presume I'm not the only one he told this to.

Now, I realize I'm re-telling this story, but I'm deliberately not using names to save face for both peeps.  I just wanted to share the story to show how I personally don't like to hear such "mean" things about others - keep these details to yourself.

I think it shows the character of the person speaking. 

Just MHO.

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