
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wrist Photos

As many of my frequent readers know already, my dear friend and fellow pool player, Lisa Marr, has tattoos on her wrists for inspiration.

Here is her story (might want to get a hanky):

I also got tattoos on my wrists.  I was so inspired by hers, and had just lost my Mom, that it made sense to me.

I have the Japanese symbol for the word "Live" on my left wrist.  It's red in color, because it's a power color.  I have the Chinese/Japanese symbol for "Today" on my right wrist.  That one is blue because it's my Mom's favorite color.

My FAV saying is "Live Today."  Meaning, don't worry about the past or the future; live in the present; that's the only thing you can control. Live in the moment.  Live life to the fullest.

But, because I wanted to share these tattoos on my new FaceBook page, "Pool Players and Their Tattoos," I needed someone to capture the wrists tattoos while I played pool.  Which is VERY difficult to do, lol.

(go ahead, try it, I dare ya!)

In comes my friend Zeke!

Zeke is a professional Foosball player, wanna-be-pool-player (lol) and also a photographer.  He captures great shots and so I asked for his help one night at a weekly tournament.

And here they are!

Thank you SO MUCH, Zeke!

(click any photo to enlarge)

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