
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Conversation Piece!

One of my friends, and a player on the Omega Billiards Tour, took the day off from work one day this week.

Why you ask?

To audition for the television show Who Wants To Be a Millionaire!

He took written tests for two different shows: the general knowledge show and the special Movie Mania show.  After passing the general knowledge test (30 questions - 10 minutes - 40 people passed) he got a call back to talk one-on-one with a producer.

After a break, he came back and passed the Movie Mania test (also 30 questions - 10 minutes - only 11 people passed) and then had ANOTHER one-on-one with a different producer.

His day began at 5:00am and he was done about 8:00pm.  Now, we don't know if he made it or not, we are all now waiting for communication from the show about whether he made it into the "contestant pool" or not.

But, he passed all the tests, schmoozed with the brass, and even got souvenirs.  :)

He would tell me later he wore his "lucky Omega Billiards Tour polo shirt" (his exact words) for both producer interviews.

So, of course I had to ask him about it!!

He said, "Figured it would be a conversation starter if they asked me what it meant.  And, both of them did ask."

Details, Sir, details!

He said, "The first one caught me right before I went in to interview and asked, "What's the Omega Billiard Tour?"

He told her and she said "We'll talk about it inside." 

He then told her he used to play a lot and that if he won $, he'd probably use at least some of it to get more serious again.

The second producer had read his bio which mentioned pool and the Omega Billiards Tour and she asked him what it was like, etc.

She also added that he was remarkably calm and he replied, "that is probably a byproduct of high level pool."

I thought it was super clever/smart to wear a shirt that would be a conversation piece.  It was even cooler that it was of the Omega Billiards Tour in the area that I happen to run.  :)

My friend said he's not guaranteed to be on, "but it was a great experience and a lot of fun."  People have told him his whole life he is good at trivia, but this proved a lot to him by passing both the tests.  "There were people there who have been trying for years just to pass once," he shared.

Funny thing was, he didn't even really want to go... but we are all lucky his wife talked him into it!

Good luck and vibes to our friend!  Hope he makes the show!!

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