
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Biggest Score I Witnessed

Every one has their story of the BIGGEST money match they have witnessed. Well, that means I have one, too!

Back in the mid 90s, I traveled with my boyfriend as he traipsed across the country playing in tournaments or getting into action. I had been to New York City to see the big Straight Pool event, a Camel Pro event at Magoo's in Tulsa (yeah, I'm showing my age, lol), and Olathe, Kansas (hotspot for pool), and a few other pro events back then.

At one point, he and I went to the little city of Baton Rouge in Louisiana.

"Lambert’s" was the GO TO pool hall for high stakes action in the South.  Mr. Lambert had money, and his friend and partner "Flyboy" was a very good one pocket player who played for a lot of money.  Therefore, players from all over the country came to see if they could win big cash off the pair. 

BTW, "Lamberts" had the best ham steak special in the world!

I happened to be there the weekend in the mid to late 90s when James Walden beat Flyboy out of $150,000.

No.  That's not a typo.

When James sealed the deal it was 5am or so in the morning (after several days of playing 12 hours on/12 hours off), there was hardly anyone else in the pool room at the time.  Even my b/f was back in the hotel room sleeping.

James Walden banked the last ball on the last game of their head-set one pocket match and I was one of the few who saw the final shot. 

To this day, it's very surreal that I witnessed that.

I will never forget James' backer walking towards the pool table that early morning, slowly clapping his hands with long pauses between the claps, in sheer pleasure and delight about the big win.

Lampert retrieved a medium-sized black bag from the safe in the back, and handed it to the backer from California. 

I didn't see Flyboy in action for the rest of the trip, but I DID see a very drunk James Walden and his girlfriend Toni who celebrated the next night.

I don't blame them!

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