
Thursday, August 30, 2012

My New Pool Table

I've alluded on my akaTrigger FB page that I have a pool table in my house now. 

I recently became the proud owner of a 9-foot Brunswick Anniversary table!

The pockets are not tight as I had expected so I'll have pay to get that fixed, and a custom light that was suppose to come with the table did not show up (so I'll have to pay for a light, too), but I still wanted to share photos of the pool room:

I truly love this room.  :)


  1. I love the table and the room, it looks amazing. I love the brightness of the room as well. I used to have a 9ft table at my old house (going back 6 years now!) but no space for the table when we moved which was a real shame. Good luck with it, practice should come on leaps and bounds!

  2. Table looks great. The pink Cue-it-up is a nice touch.

  3. I can see why you love that room. It’s not only beautiful and bright, it also has an awesome-looking pool table! It’s a perfect way to get your friends to come over. You can also pass time practicing your shots.

    Albert Andrews


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