
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Video Tour of U.S. Bar Table Championships in Reno

This year, the U.S. Bar Table Championships was held at the Grand Sierra in Reno, not at the Sands Casino, like in previous years.

Let me just try convey what a HUGE improvement this was!  Not only is the casino/hotel better, it has more amenities for the patrons, but more so, the room that held the tourney was 100% better!  It was not crowded, easily held the 50 Diamond tables, TAR booth, fans, and vendors.  At the Sands, the vendors were not located in the same room as the tourney AND some of the tables were in located another room, even.

Here is a video tour.  Sorry I'm not better yet at slowing down the view from the camera.  I will work on that!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to more video tours, especially of your favorite vendors. Why not do some virtual shopping and show off some product. Maybe the vendors will become sponsors or advertisers on your blog. I saw several things in the way of clothing and cases that I would like more information on.


Thank you for your comments! Much appreciated!