I was like, "Huh?"
How is that??
Maybe I am biased, but I think some peeps will agree with me on some of these points. lol.
Streaming at first was huge and the big "thing" for sure. And, it still is sometimes, but is it really that big anymore?
Streaming itself is HUGE, for sure. I can watch sport events on my phone - pretty cool, huh? Technology allows us to no longer be in our own living rooms and watch sports or other events. Now we can be out having fun and also be able to watch our favorite programming at the same time.
And that is the key: Favorite programming.
How many pool players are out there in the U.S.?
How many know there is even a stream on?
If pool was as huge a basketball or football, I could see the incentive to stream more events. But pool is still not popular just because streaming came along.
I can't even begin to tell you the last time I watched a pool event streamed.
I fully admit if my significant other was playing in a tournament, I would pay full price immediately to watch him on a stream. But even free streams from local tours that showcase my friends in matches, I simply don't care to watch. I'm just not interested anymore. Huge money match-ups of big pro players? Nope, them neither.
The It Factor is gone for me for some reason.
The U.S. Open came and went. I could buy the stream. I didn't.
Even if the Mosconi Cup was streamed, I wouldn't buy it. If it was free, I would prolly watch it because it's a fantastic event to see! But otherwise, I'm just not interested anymore to watch regular pool tournaments on tv or streamed.
Maybe because my interests have changed or because I don't care anymore who does what in tournaments? I'm not in awe of the pros - I know most of them personally. I also am not home a lot anymore on weekends, so maybe that's a factor, too?
I dunno.
I'm just not completely sure why, to be honest.
I do know this: I am more interested in improving my 14.1 knowledge via DVDs than watching 9-ball matches on tv.
So, if I am home (key point) and there is a straight pool tournament being streamed with great commentators, I would fork over the all-weekend stream pass in a heartbeat because I want to learn that game so much right now. And I recognize that when I was enamored with one pocket a couple of years ago, I would watch streamed one pocket matches a lot more back then.
"But Melinda, what about being on the stream itself?" Ahh, I do enjoy playing on streamed matches. But for selfish reasons - so I can go back after the match to see how my mechanics are, and also for the experience of playing under pressure. I do love to help streamers - so enjoy commentating and being a part of the production of a "show."
But otherwise, what does streaming do for people?
People think streaming brings in sponsors. Phooey. I don't buy that. Do you? The people who put on streams have to go GET sponsors; the sponsors don't come running to them, knocking down their doors to be listed on a stream (imo). The streamers are out there trying to make a living, working their tails off to provide streams, trying to find sponsors.
But for who? The small fan base of pool players? Yep. Just little 'ole us.
And what does a tour get out of a stream? Does a tour somehow magically get money from the people who watch their tour on a stream? Sure, it *might* get a few more people interested in playing their event - but wouldn't a player already know about an event in order to know to watch it on a stream? And I've even heard of people NOT driving to watch an event in person because they can sit in their pj's from the comfort of their home to watch a tournament being streamed. This obviously leads to less money for the pool room.
And what does a sponsor get? Do they sell more products? Enough to offset the cost of being advertised on a stream?
Some tours have stopped streaming their events. And who complained? Sponsors? Fans? Nope. None. Just the players who like the awe factor of the stream.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think streams hurt our sport, but I don't think it magically puts money in peoples pockets, nor magically increases our fan base (unfortunately). And I definitely don't think streaming is the best thing to ever happen to pool. I wish that WAS true.
Just my opinion.
Maybe in the future something else amazing will come along and increase our fan base somehow. I surely hope so!
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