
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November Thanks

As host for PoolSynergy this month, since it's November I choose the topic "Thankfulness."   Thanksgiving for the USA is in November, after all, so I thought the topic would be apropos.  :)

I asked the PoolSynergy bloggers to wrote about what they are thankful about in regards to pool.  Something they maybe learned, witnessed, experienced, etc.  They were given free rein to talk about anything in regards to pool and what they are thankful for.

Markus Hofstatter wrote about great moments he had around the world, practicing, and people who he is happy to have in his life. Check out his blog entry here.

Gail Glazebrook surprised me by her thankfulness, yet it makes perfect sense (and now I wish I would have said this!).  Read her thanks here.

Samm (Diep) Vidal talks about 10 wonderful things pool has brought into her life.  She's always amazing at giving, and now check out what she's thankful for.

Alison Fischer gives us a look into her many years of thankfulness and I'm so glad she shared!  She has a way with words I can only dream of. Read her article here.

Mike Fieldhammer also contributed this month and his thankfulness also surprised me.  Check out his thanks.

Johnny101 is most thankful for the support and guidance he's received from people he's never actually met!  Intriguing, huh?  Read his article here.

John Biddle shares many thankful pool reasons, from family to authors and also thanks to other players.  He's right on target, too.  Read the details.

Gary Frerking gives thanks to attention-to-detail, how his Dad pounded it into his head, and how it's useful now.  Check out his article.

And I (Melinda) wrote about Thanks, also.  I thought everyone would say the same thing (always glad to be proven wrong in these instances!), and here is what I am grateful for:  click here.

/pun on/ Thanks to all the bloggers for writing about Thanks!  /pun off/  :-)

Hope everyone has a great month of Thanks and check us (Poolsynergy) out next month when  Michael Reddick is our gracious host!


  1. I am thankful for the game itself, it has given me allot of joy and sense of accomplishment.

  2. I enjoy reading the information given by people who love the game.
    They are my kind of people.


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