
Monday, April 18, 2011

National Enquirer

I don't get it.

Why do people state in forums private information about their fellow pool players?  It's no one's business.

To be fair, the private lives of celebrities and politicians are exposed all the time, so it's not like it's taboo or anything to share uncomfortable info.  But IMO, I feel it's tasteless and no one's business to air dirty laundry about your/my friends.

I have always been of the opinion it's inappropriate to bad mouth someone in front of a group of people.  I have a very strong opinion about that for some reason.  So, obviously the forums is smack dab in the middle of everyone!

What am I referring to you might ask?  Well, without naming names, someone on the forums is publicly stating he wont back a certain person anymore because he is drinking too much and wont bet on him because of that and because he stays up all night now.

I understand not wanting to back someone for those reasons.   I really do.  I'm not stupid.  But to state the reason on a public forum, "he started to drink after the tourney so I didn't want to bet or back him" I feel is uncalled for.  I'm obviously paraphrasing his words, but this isn't the first time he said this about this individual.  He has said it several times in the last couple of months.

Granted, I believe he's disappointed his friend is no longer dependable.  I think that's why he doesn't mind stating all this publicly (I guess).  I am a friend of the "drinker" so maybe that is why it bothers me more?  I dunno.  I just don't like it. 

I know it isn't the first nor will it be the last time someone airs this kind of info, but it still disappoints me to read about my friend like that.  It's no one's business.

And while having too much to drink isn't a crime or negligent, I still feel bad for the drinker that his friend is kinda bad mouthing him in an open forum.  If it was drugs or cheating on his g/f I would feel the same way.  So the issue isn't what the "infraction" is, my issue is why talk about it at all?

But, he's a guy.  He could probably care less what people say about him anyway.

1 comment:

  1. OK.. I disagree... The guy, I am going to venture out and say it's a guy, is obviously drinking in public. So it's not private information. Secondly, maybe he is looking out for others that may be thinking about backing him. And thirdly, maybe the person has a drinking problem. Maybe this friend has tried to bring it to their attention and this is their last resort. That's just my opinion, other side of the spectrum.


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