I alluded in my Support blog article how I had another, more impactful event that led me to not mention pool, competing, or even pool accomplishments at my job anymore.
The story goes like this:
About 7 to 8 years ago, a supervisory position came open at an affiliated office in Key West, Florida. I considered many promotions back then and so I thought about the potential of that job. However, I decided after a little thought that I would not bid on it because it lacked the pool network I longed for – good pool halls and a ladies tour to play in. Yes, the Florida Ladies Tour was IN Florida, but travel out and in to the island of Key West is not an easy jaunt or venture, and requires layovers that I am not fond of when going out of town for just a weekend tourney. I also wasn’t too interested in neither the location nor the cost of living.
When I lived in Jacksonville, Florida, the location was prime! Good pool rooms, cost of living was great, and I could easily drive to the center of the state (or to tourneys in GA or SC) or I could fly direct into Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, or Miami if need be. I also could fly back home to Texas on direct flights. It was the competition and camaraderie I looked forward to at the pool rooms and on the ladies tour, which I was afraid I would miss if I went to Key West. And of course, could I afford to live there? But the main reason was pool.
One of my bosses came to my office one day, sat down, and asked me if I was going to bid on that position in Key West, Florida.
I replied that I was not interested. He asked me why (or maybe I just told him why) and I expressed that there wasn’t enough pool there.
His response to me was, “Well, can’t you take a couple of years off?” I just kinda looked back at him weirdly, and then he explained, “You won’t be down there long – just a few years or so – and then you can apply for other promotions after you get your feet wet with all the good experiences being a supervisor there.”
I then rebutted nicely with some additional reasons (not related to pool) and also sincerely expressed that Key West was not a location I had been interested in before anyway.
I will never forget that conversation. His comments back to me are THE REASON I don’t mention pool at work anymore. No one gets it here. “Take a few years off” ? Really? Would I dare ask someone heavily involved in church to “take a few years off”? Would I have asked my boss “can’t you just take a few years off from your kids” ?
Passion is passion. One of big reasons I am happy at work is because my homelife is happy – and guess what? My homelife consists of pool.
That day is forever etched in my mind.
And btw, the guy that got that position was there for SEVEN years.
LMAO... yup.. just like when people at work see me reading something pool related and say.. "is there really that much to it? " Seriously???