
Friday, June 18, 2010

June One Pocket Goal Fulfilled!

My awesome goals this year are keeping me pumped up! One of my year 2010 goals (as frequent readers will know), is to play one pocket once a month. While this seems pretty easy to accomplish, it's tough to find the time among everything else. Besides work, sleep, house chores, tournaments, running errands, having fun, etc., I also want to find time to practice ten ball, watch pool DVDs, play in my leagues, and also play one pocket. Let's think about this:

I work 9am-6pm Monday through Friday; 15 minute driving time each way. That leaves a few hours Mon - Thu to possibly play pool in the evenings. However, some evenings I rest, some evenings are chores, some evenings are writing blog entries, some evenings are dinners with friends (MUCH needed time for me), some are running errands, some are filled with Moms' doctor's appointments, etc. IF I am in town for the weekend, I for sure make time to practice pool, but that practice session is dedicated to ten ball - I do sometimes get lucky and also get to play one pocket.

That's why on June 4th I was SO pleasantly surprised to get some one pocket in already for June! :)

I played only about 45 minutes of one pocket on that Sunday, but it was great. I played good the first and third games, but the second game, my opponent said something to me about my leave and my confidence flew right out the window, when I realized I wasn't playing quite as well as I thought I was. :( But, I still played decent in my book, and my one pocket skills have much improved since when I played Warren about 2-3 years ago.

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