
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Internal Clock

I set a goal about 3-5 years ago to practice at least once a week. My practice session hours are usually only from 1-3 hours at a time, once a week. If I can get extra sessions in, that's even better. :) Believe it or not, it seems easy, but it can be tough and tricky to find time to practice once a week!

If I have a tournament over a weekend, I try to find one of the weeknights to practice. If I am in town for a weekend, I plan my whole weekend around which day I am going to practice (Saturday or Sunday).

I realized how hard-wired this goal was this past weekend!

I wasn't able to go practice on Saturday b/c the A/C went out in my house. My Mom needs the air cold due to her emphysema, so even though it wasn't hot inside, it was too warm for her. So, I dealt with our A/C choices when the tech came over all day Saturday. On Sunday I wasn't about to leave Mom because she was coughing for hours and hours - I felt so bad for her. :(

On Monday, I felt this amazing urge to practice. By the time I got off of work at 6pm, my whole focus was on - getting the pharmacy, checking on Mom, and then going to practice.

The feeling to practice was so automatic, and the urge was so strong, it felt like an internal clock! Check out this definition of "internal clock":

When the clock is in sync with the day to day pattern of the individual, tasks necessary to sustain life occur on a more or less regular schedule. The importance of the internal clock cannot be underestimated.

Well, that explains it to a T! Hey, that's what practice means to me!:
  • "sustain life"
  • "regular schedule"
  • "importance...cannot be underestimated."

Looks like "internal clock" is not too far off of a description for my practice routine after all. :)

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