
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I'm Going to Disneyland!

My dear friend, Monica Anderson, is a lovely person both inside and out. I care about her more than I tell her. She currently not only plays pool but also helps run the largest women's tour in the country - the OB Cues Ladies Tour.

Me and Moni

Her cue case is awesome and it has many top pool players' autographs on it - Allison Fisher, Johnny Archer, Earl Strickland, Iris Ranola, just to name a few:

At a tournament in January, Ashley and I noticed she had some OB Cues Ladies' autographs on the case - like Tara, Orietta, Lisa, and Amanda. Ash and I joked with Monica, "Why haven't you asked us to sign your case?" She laughed (we didn't know what was so damn funny, tho) and she replied, "well, when you win an OB Tour stop, you can sign it."

Therefore, after the elusive OB Stop win, I've decided instead of saying "I'm going to Disneyland!" I'm going to say, "I get to sign Monica's case now!"


1 comment:

  1. It's always good to have concrete, physical goals to shoot for! Good post Mel...



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