
Saturday, December 19, 2009

FE San Antonio in November

I am slacking in catching up on blog entries. I never thought I would have so much to write about, and now I am behind. Eeek!

I went to the Fast Eddie's Tour stop in November in San Antonio. I made the long drive down there by myself for some odd reason. I didn't get enough sleep each night because my friends kept me up drinking late Fri and Sat. lol.

Frank and Mickey, playin around.

Yvette, me, Helen and Barbara (bad influences, lol)

Grady, Yvette, Barbara and Frank.

That definitely played a part in my play on Sunday - lack of sleep. But, I admit I didn't go down there thinking of winning the tournament - I went to the tournament for a nice break.

I had to play my good friend first, Helen Hayes, and even though she got less sleep than I did (lol), and I felt "okay" going into the match, I made mistakes late in the match and she played very well the entire time and won 3-7. There were only 8 ladies in the tournament, but it was still a tournament that I could do well in.

I then played Maria Rodriguez - a really sweetheart of a girl who is always a joy to see - she always has a smile on her face and is always happy. I played good against her and won 5-2.

I then had to wait around for a VERY long time to play my next match. I swear it was more than a two hour wait. All the while I'm sitting there, I am getting more tired sitting around and am realizing just how exhausted I really am from lack of sleep and the thought of the 4 hour drive ahead of me was looking more difficult.

But, the exhaustion got to me. I played the adorable Yvette Reyes next (and dear friend) and although I played well in the beginning, I got too confident and made some careless errors. After being up 2-0, she started to not miss and came with great outs to beat me 3-5. She would end up getting 3rd and I was very happy for her.

I drove the long trek home but luckily stayed on the phone with my lovely friend Jacki who kept me awake for the long drive. :)

Tournament Description: Exhausted (but I had fun with friends!).

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