
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yoko Joe and Mashi Maro

My friend Yoko Joe, who I luckily run into at many tournaments across Texas (and National tournaments) is a great, fun guy. He's always smiling and he has been playing better and better pool, too!

Here are pics of Yoko and I after we ran into each other in Vegas at the bar:

Yoko and I, at the beginning of the party.

This photo makes me laugh out loud!!!

I noticed that Yoko has this cute little guy hanging from his cue case and I just had to take pics of it to share!! Here is a close up:

The little guy's name is Mashi Maro. Yoko didn't name him that - that's the name on the little guy's butt tag. Turns out, MashiMaro is a kinda famous!

Here are two photos of Yoko, his case, and Mashi:

Yoko joked that sometimes people mistake his case for a female's pool cue case. But he laughs about it and says he claims it proudly. Yoko is so cool!!!

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